
Yanco, S.W., C. Rutz, B. Abrahms, N.W. Cooper, P.P. Marra, T. Mueller, B.C. Weeks, M. Wikelski, R.Y. Oliver. 2024. Tracking individual animals can reveal the causes of species loss. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
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Cooper, N.W., S.W. Yanco, Clark S. Rushing, T. Scott Sillett, and P.P. Marra. 2024. Non-breeding conditions induce a carry-over effect on survival of migratory birds. Current Biology.
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Cooper, N.W., H.A. Haradon, J.P. Harman, B.R. Hayden, L. Kersh, and A. Riley. 2024. Preliminary evaluation of habitat use, pairing rate, and reproductive success in an experimental breeding habitat planted for Kirtland’s Warblers (Setophaga kirtlandii). Journal of Field Ornithology.
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Jones, T.M., N.W. Cooper, H.A. Haradon, A.R. Brunner, B.C. Dossman, M.P. Ward, T.S. Sillett, and S.A. Kaiser. 2024. Considerations for radio-transmitter specifications on songbirds: color and antenna length matter too. Journal of Field Ornithology.
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Stevens, H.C., E.J. Williams, C.Q. Stanley, B.C. Dossman, I. Ciaburri, N.W. Cooper, L.S. Bowden, C.M. Dees, J. Huang, J. McCabe, B.Wyman, and P.P. Marra. 2023. Incorporating drivers of global change throughout the annual cycle in species distribution models for migratory birds: A gap in ecological forecasting. Frontiers in Bird Science.
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Cooper, N.W., B.C. Dossman, L.E. Berrigan, J.M. Brown, A.R. Brunner, H.E. Chmura, D.A. Cormier, C. Bégin-Marchand, A.D. Rodewald, P.D. Taylor, C.M. Tonra, J.A. Tremblay, and P.P. Marra. 2023. Songbirds initiate migratory flights synchronously relative to civil dusk. Movement Ecology. 
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Cooper, N.W., B.C. Dossman, L.E. Berrigan, J.M. Brown, D.A. Cormier, C. Bégin-Marchand, A.D. Rodewald, P.D. Taylor, J.A. Tremblay, and P.P. Marra. 2023. Atmospheric pressure predicts probability of departure for migratory songbirds. Movement Ecology. 
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Margenau, E.L., N.W. Cooper, D.J. Brown, D.M. Donner, P.P. Marra, and P. Ryan. 2022. Spatially structured brown-headed cowbird control measures and their effects on Kirtland’s warbler long-term population sustainability. Wildlife Research
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Huysman, A., N.W. Cooper, J.A. Smith, S.M. Haig, A.A. Heath, L. Johnson, E. Olson, K. Regan, J.K. Wilson, and P.P. Marra. 2022. Strong migratory connectivity indicates Willets need subspecies-specific conservation strategies. Ornithological Applications
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Murphy, M.T., L.J. Redmond, A.C. Dolan, N.W. Cooper, K. Shepherdson, C.M. Chutter, and S.C. Cancellieri. 2022. Weather and climate change drive
annual variation of reproduction by an aerial insectivore. Avian Conservation and Ecology
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Heath, S.A., J.K. Wilson, J. Smith, and N.W. Cooper. 2022. Migration and wintering locations of breeding eastern Willet (Tringa semipalmata semipalmata) in the Western Gulf of Mexico. Waterbirds
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Skeen, H.R., N.W. Cooper, S.J. Hackett, J.M. Bates, and P.P. Marra. 2021. Repeated sampling of individuals reveals impact of tropical and temperate
habitats on microbiota of a migratory bird. Molecular Ecology
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Brunner, A.R., N.W. Cooper, and P.P. Marra. First known record of Kirtland’s Warbler (Setophaga kirtlandii) seen and captured in Jamaica. 2021.
Wilson Journal of Ornithology
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Powell, L.L, A. Metallo, C. Jarrett, N.W. Cooper, P.P. Marra, S.R. McWilliams, U. Bauchinger, and B.C. Dossman. 2021. An inexpensive, 3D-printable
breast muscle meter for field ornithologists. Journal of Field Ornithology
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Cooper, N.W., M.A. Thomas, and P.P. Marra. 2021. Vertical sexual habitat segregation in a wintering migratory songbird. Ornithology
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Smith, J.A.M., K. Regan, N.W. Cooper, L. Johnson, E. Olsen, A.Green, J.Tash, D. Evers, and P.P. Marra. 2020. A green wave of saltmarsh productivity
predicts the timing of the annual cycle in a long-distance migratory shorebird. Scientific Reports
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Cooper, N.W., and P.P. Marra. 2020. Hidden long-distance movements by a migratory bird. Current Biology
Video Abstract
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Murphy, M.T., L.J. Redmond, A.C. Dolan, N.W. Cooper, C.M. Chutter, and S.C. Cancellieri. 2020. Population decline of a long-distance migratory
passerine at the edge of its range: Nest predation, nest replacement, and immigration. Journal of Avian Biology
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Cooper, N.W., C.S. Rushing, and P.P. Marra. 2019. Reducing the conservation reliance of the Endangered Kirtland’s Warbler through adaptive
management. Journal of Wildlife Management 83:1297-1305. Cover Article
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Vojtěch, B., J. Koleček, M. Burgess, S. Hahn, M. Krist, J. Ouwehand, E.L. Weiser, P. Adamík, J.A. Alves, D. Arlt, S. Barišić, D. Becker, E.J. Belda, V. Beran, C.
Both, S.P. Bravo, M. Briedis, B. Chutný, D. Ćiković, N.W. Cooper, et al. 2019. Weak effects of geolocators on small birds: a meta-analysis controlled
for phylogeny and publication bias. Journal of Animal Ecology
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Cooper, N.W., D.N. Ewert, J.M. Wunderle Jr., and P.P. Marra. 2019. Revising the wintering distribution and habitat use of the Kirtland’s Warbler
using playback surveys, citizen-scientists, and geolocators. Endangered Species Research
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Cooper, N.W., D.N. Ewert,  K.R. Hall, S.M. Rockwell, D. Currie, J.M. Wunderle Jr., J.D. White, and P.P. Marra. 2018. Re-sighting data reveal weak
connectivity from wintering to breeding grounds in a range-restricted and endangered long-distance migratory passerine. Avian Conservation
and Ecology
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Cooper, N.W., M.T. Hallworth, and P.P. Marra. 2017. Light-level geolocation reveals wintering distribution, migratory routes, and primary stopover
locations of an endangered long-distance migratory songbird. Journal of Avian Biology. Cover Article.
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Chutter, C.M., M.T. Murphy, L.J. Redmond, N.W. Cooper, A.C. Dolan, and D. Duffield. 2016. Paternal behavior in a socially monogamous but sexually
promiscuous passerine bird. Behavior
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Redmond, L.J., M.T., Murphy, N.W. Cooper, and K.M. O'Reilly. 2016. Testosterone secretion in a socially monogamous but sexually promiscuous
migratory passerine. General and Comparative Endocrinology
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Cooper, N.W., P.P. Marra, and T.W. Sherry. 2015. Experimental reduction of winter food decreases body condition and delays migration in a long-
distance migratory bird. Ecology
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Cooper, N.W., P.P. Marra, and T.W. Sherry. 2014. Modeling three-dimensional space use and overlap in birds. The Auk: Ornithological Advances
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Cooper, N.W., M.A. Thomas, M.B. Garfinkel, K.L. Schneider, and P.P. Marra. 2012. Comparing the precision, accuracy, and efficiency of branch clipping
and sweep netting for sampling arthropods in two Jamaican forest types. Journal of Field Ornithology
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Cooper, N.W., M.T. Murphy, and L.J. Redmond, and A.C. Dolan. 2011. Reproductive correlates of spring arrival date in the Eastern Kingbird Tyrannus
. Journal of Ornithology
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Cooper, N.W., M.T. Murphy, and L.J. Redmond. 2009. Age- and sex-dependent spring arrival dates of Eastern Kingbirds. Journal of Field Ornithology
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Cooper, N.W., M.T. Murphy, L.J. Redmond, and A.C. Dolan. 2009. Density-dependent age at first reproduction in the Eastern Kingbird. Oikos  
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